How to understand frontend?

There seem several subdirectories related to frontend development:

  • frontend
  • websocket_api
  • http
  • lovelace
  • ā€¦?

Sofar I have some experiences with frontend programming in MVC principle. After reading the source codes in the above listed components, I get lost with the structure. It seems like:

  • websocket_ap <-> backend
  • http, lovelace and frontend <-> frontend and views

Could you provide me some hints to understand the architecture of the project concerning frontend part?
How is a panel converted into html rendering?
Thanks alot in advance!

Jump on the discord frontend developers channel and ask the devs there. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

Also, have you seen this?

(The first link in particular).

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Thanks alot for your reply!
I do have downloaded the git project of frontend. However as stated, I cannot get the point how the backend and frontend work together to render a tab in the final page.