How to update HASSIO via command or script

Anyone know if it’s yet possible to update HASSIO via a command or script, as at the moment the only way to do it seems to be via the link which appears on the HASS.IO tab?
I want to trigger an update when I received my automated update available HTML5 notification.

You obviously know what you want but for me that is a big ask if you haven’t read the breaking changes etc. I’m slow to update.

Mainly cause when things are good the WAF is good haha

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I agree and have said the same thing in other threads talking about auto updating.

For example the latest full version release is 0.78 but we are now on 0.78.3 because there were several bugs that needed to be fixed in the prior releases that were so important that the devs felt it couldn’t wait till the next version release.

If that was me who was suddenly affected by a bug or breaking change causing my system to stop working without me having taken an explicit action to change something I wouldn’t be very happy.

Auto updates are almost never a good thing.

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from ssh session you can run:

hassio ha update

Anyone know how to call this from inside HASSIO?
I see there are a number of hassio.* services we can call, such as hassio.host_reboot, but no hassio.update.
Basically I want to call <ha-call-api-button path="hassio/homeassistant/update">Update</ha-call-api-button>

I’m also very interested in this, especially now that we have the potential_breaking_changes sensor.
Now we can auto-update when available with the condition of potential breaking changes number being zero.

srv $ hassio ha update
The 'hassio' command is deprecated, please use 'ha' instead!
The use of 'ha' is deprecated, please use 'core' instead!
Processing... Done.
Command completed successfully.
srv $

all this happens in the blink of an eye, bit odd. Certainly no change detected.

It has changed in the last year and now you would use

ha core update
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thanks - the ‘old’ command “worked” but didn’t do anything - I found out by digging into the supervisor logs that the command was blocked from running because the system state was frozen.