Sorry to turn to the community, but I completely forgot the trick to have this binary_sensor update upon triggering of the automation the sensor is based on.
That is to say, have it update within the minute, and make the <15 mean anything…
please give me a hand…
I need this because these are triggering on Ikea motion sensors that dont have a state in HA, and so the automation triggers on the lights they turn on.
my most frequently updated sensor thanks! was buried somewhere deep…
not using the lights though, because they tend to be ‘on’ longer than the automation is needed to be responsive. It’s a real hack, but hey, whatever makes it work makes it work.
Ha, yes but that’s unfair, and uses an extra automation
Have the same autom for testing purposes to show a second in the frontend . I’ve disabled it though for every second seems not necessary and an over-burden to the system.
My energy sensor is updated by the systems internal processes already available, and in its slowest updates takes 6 seconds…
getting back to this, upon reloading templates, this is always displayed in the logs:
TemplateError('UndefinedError: 'sensor' is undefined') while processing template 'Template("{% set updater = sensor.sensors_huidig_verbruik_summed %} {{(now() - state_attr('automation.update_light_motion','last_triggered')).total_seconds() < 10}}")' for attribute '_state' in entity 'binary_sensor.motion_light'
which is odd, since the motion_light binary doesnt have an attribute ‘_state’
I tried changing to
{% set updater = sensor.sensors_huidig_verbruik_summed %}
since the template there was maybe an error, but the result remains identical
now this is not really a big issue, but Id like to get rid of the error nonetheless. would this need the availability_template ? if so, what would be the best to use?