How to use a github branch of external code in hass branch?

Hi All,

Is there a way to use external code that is being developed (a new branch) in my HA branch? At the moment it seems I can only use released external code, is that correct?

My setup is that I have my own branch of HA and then I have my external code repository. In order to sort out the interfacing between the two I need to make lots of small changes, testing the effect of each after I have made them. It does not make sense to release a new version of code for each change.

Both repositories are on a raspberry pi running in their own virtual environments with their own (system?) users. I.e. user homeassistant, testing changes in hass on the paradox-alarm-status branch in hass_paradoxenv and user paradox, testing changes in pyparadox_alarm on the master branch in pyparadox_venv.

Is there a way to point HA in to hass_paradoxenv to use the code in pyparadox_venv or copy the code in pyparadox_venv to hass_paradoxenv so it overwrites the released code while I’m still getting to a point where I can release functioning code on both sides?



I think what I’m looking for is the equivalent of what Cinntax is explaining at the link below…

…but instead for the external package that will be called.

Ok, I think I get it now…

When your package exists in ~/.homeassistant/deps then simply overwriting the source files found there with the ones you changed should allow you to test the changes. I would imagine you don’t even need to use --skip-pip unless it also compares the source files, but will have to test that.

However, if you have already installed/upgraded the required version using “pip3 install/upgrade” then you should overwrite the source files in your python site packages folder, in the environment you are wanting to test in, with the changed source files. i.e.


To be on the safe side it is probably best to uninstall (pip uninstall) your package and ensure the files are deleted from the site packages folder and only work in the deps folder of the user you are testing with.