Integrating some code from a branch


I’m wanting to test some changes on this branch, and add to it. The branch seems out of date. Can I drop the changed .py files into my live install to test it?

The thread here suggests so?

Would dropping those files in and a restart of home assistant do it, or do I need to build/compile in some way?

I’m new to Python, sorry …

No need to compile. But you might have to delete the python cache. If there is a pycache folder in that same location ,just delete that entire folder. It will get rebuilt the next time you run the software.

If this is a builtin component, I would just make a copy of the component and add it as a custom component. The custom component will have priority over the built in and you won’t have to worry about pip updates etc. You’ll just have your own custom component. Once you’re happy with testing, you can submit a pull request if you want for the upgrades.


Thanks mate, this worked. The users home directory …
