I’m using openweathermap to read weather data and I’m storing the hourly result from the API in an attribute for further processing.
In my template I can happily dump out the results of the JSON with…
{{ state_attr('sensor.southampton_weather_openweathermap', 'hourly')[0] }}
and that gives me the following JSON
"dt": 1723813200,
"temp": 22.87,
"feels_like": 22.52,
"pressure": 1015,
"humidity": 50,
"dew_point": 11.91,
"uvi": 5.52,
"clouds": 16,
"visibility": 10000,
"wind_speed": 1.86,
"wind_deg": 241,
"wind_gust": 2.2,
"weather": [
"id": 801,
"main": "Clouds",
"description": "few clouds",
"icon": "02d"
"rain": {
"1h": 0.5
"pop": 0
Now I can access every element I want to process, such as cloud as follows…
{{ state_attr('sensor.southampton_weather_openweathermap', 'hourly')[0].clouds }}
and that works, but when I try to access the element for the rain I get a template error that “h” is unexpected.
{{ state_attr('sensor.southampton_weather_openweathermap', 'hourly')[0].rain.1h }}
invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: expected token ')', got 'h')
Using the template developer tools if I remove the 1 it then thinks it is a valid JSON path, but obviously doesn’t find it.
It seems that if it sees a number after the . in the path it thinks it is an instance value.
How can I declare the path specifying JSON elements starting with a number?