I wanna expose my HomeAssistant to DOMAIN:80/homeassistant. But if I configure it like this in HomeAssistant (I configured in nginx right), it says: url it not allowed to have a path component for dictionary value @ data['external_url']. Got 'https://example.url/homeassistant'
Also you Do NOT want to expose your homeassistant login to the internet with an unencrypted login page (assuming that port 80 http isn’t pretending to not be encrypted with SSL…)
I was trying to use just one domain (myhome.example.org, just as an example) and then host my homeassistant at /homeassistant/ and my jellyfin at /jellyfin/ and so on. (Oh and I have an SSL certificat for myhome.example.org, so SSL works). But, Jellyfin does not work either so I think i have to do like homeassistan.example.org and jellyfin.example.org, like this.