How to use code only to disarm manual alarm?

Using the manual alarm, is it possible to enter a code only to disam de alarm but not to arm?

Not that I’m aware, at least not with the alarm module itself. Either you’re using a code or you’re not.
Only way round this would be to have an automation that arms the alarm for you and passes the code as a parameter.
Guess you could create an input_boolean that triggers the alarm, or a script?

as @lolouk44 said. Better than construct a logic…

I thought that with the optional variable “code_template” and “to_state” it could be done in the configuration o the alarm, but I have not been able to find any example.
How can I pass de code as a parameter?

e.g. in a script

  alias: turn alarm on
  - data:
      code: '666' #code_template also possible? i dont know atm, but i think not
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.door_alarm
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm

Thanks for your your help. I will try to use an automation like you have suggested.

But I’m still curious about what the variable “code_template” is for. Does anyone have an example?

Check my config

I also pass the code by Node RED:
Whereever an input is possible, it will be parsed.
E.g. a keyboard connected, wait until 4 chars arrive and test against alarm service, then sleep.
Or if I say a sentence to check if the possibility value is above 0.9, then unlock.
More benefit :slight_smile:

Not sure if this was available a year ago, but anyone searching this now, you can use the code_arm_required option as per the documentation.
This will allow code to only be needed when disarming
code_arm_required: false

Hi Brendan, was there anything else you had to add in for this to function do you mind sharing?

I just followed the documentation. Nothing extra :slightly_smiling_face: