How to use #Data as a value in Tasmota rules?

I need to publish parameters received on Serial on a Tasmota device to MQTT.
Currently I do as below and works ok:

ON SerialReceived#Param1 DO publish stat/tasmota_123/RESULT {“Param1”:%value%} ENDON
ON SerialReceived#Param2 DO publish stat/tasmota_123/RESULT {“Param2”:%value%} ENDON
ON SerialReceived#Param3 DO publish stat/tasmota_123/RESULT {“Param3”:%value%} ENDON

Where input data on serial is as:

Syntax is {ParameterName:ParameterValue}

But my problem is that I have too many parameters that would not fit in rule maximum space (1000 chars) and actually ParameterX can be any text as MyCutomText, so I would receive something like:

{ThisCanBeAnything, 45}

And there is no space to write all the rules for all possible values of parameter names.

I need some wildcard as below, but don’t know how to pass parameter name as value:

ON SerialReceived#? DO publish stat/tasmota_123/RESULT {%data%:%value%} ENDON

%data% in this case should be the value of ParameterName
while %value% works ok as value of ParameterData

Does anyone have some idea how to achieve this?