I’m trying to create a reminder automation that only executes once per day. The easiest way I see to do that would be to have an input_datetime for date only and if it is not equal to today, then execute the reminder and set the input_datetime to today’s date.
However, I can’t seem to understand how the “time” condition works (and if it even works for just a date).
With input_datetime.pc_reminder set to yesterday’s date (using the UI “Test” option for the condition):
If I set the “time” condition to “after” pc_reminder with the “before” set to midnight (in the visual UI, it has to be set to something), the condition fails.
If I set the “time” condition to “after” pc_reminder and using YAML, remove the “before” completely, the condition also fails.
If I set both before and after conditions to pc_reminder, it passes.
However, with input_datetime.pc_reminder set to today’s date, I get the exact same results (first two fail and the last one passes).
I’m trying to have it so that, if the pc_reminder date is before today, the condition will pass and I can then set the pc_reminder date to today’s date (so I won’t be reminded again today). But then the condition should fail if pc_reminder is the same as today’s date.
I’ve seen an alternative method for “once a day” condition that uses a boolean, but then you have to reset the boolean via another automation. I’m hoping to get this working so I don’t need the extra boolean.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,
alias: Remind Me When I am at my Computer
description: ''
- platform: state
- switch.pauls_pc
to: 'on'
hours: 0
minutes: 1
seconds: 0
- condition: time
after: input_datetime.pc_reminder
- service: input_datetime.set_datetime
entity_id: input_datetime.pc_reminder
date: '{{ states(''sensor.date'') }}'
- service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_4a
message: Check your Computer To-Do List
title: Computer To-Do List Reminder
mode: single
When using that value_template, I get an error when I test it (“template value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘value_template’]. Got None”). I tried wrapping it in quotes as
I’m assuming @tom_l solution is correct and will let you know if it doesn’t work (Tom, I originally never triggered the automation as I was using the Test button and having issues, as noted). I did run it manually and tested your logic (the more extensive version) in the Developer Tools → Template area and can confirm it provides the correct true/false.
However, that solution still gives the same error when using the “Test” button in the automation UI. So, as @Osorkon noted, apparently that is a bug with value_templates and the Test UI, which is still an issue in 2022.7.6, which is what I’m currently on.
Okay, now that it has been a day, the automation doesn’t run since it appears @tom_l solution actually requires a delay of 24 hours = 1 day, not just a new day.