I have the configuration for the following sensor (a SimpliSafe-Gen3 sensor via rtl433):
"state_topic": "rtl_433/+/devices/SimpliSafe-Gen3/31729740",
"name": "Front Door (SimpliSafe local)",
"device_class": "door",
"force_update": "true",
"expire_after": "43200",
"payload_on": "0",
"payload_off": "1",
"value_template": "{{ (value_json.ctr % 2) }}",
"unique_id": "rtl433_simplisafe_31729740",
"object_id": "rtl433_simplisafe_31729740"
The purpose is to show this as Open when “ctr” under the state topic is even and Closed when it’s odd.
This is definitely the case and I can see the correct data via MQTT Explorer.
However, HA shows this entity as “Unavailable”. I have no clue why.
There is no log entry so I don’t know how to debug.