How to use font Noto+Color+Emoji?

Hey everyone,
I’m trying to use emojis in display context using google font Noto+Color+Emoji:

  - platform: ili9xxx
    model: ILI9488_A
    cs_pin: 4
    dc_pin: 6
    reset_pin: 5
    spi_id: spi_display
    auto_clear_enabled: True
    invert_display: true
    rotation: 270°
      - id: testpage
        lambda: |-
          it.print(10, 300, id(icon32), "\U0000ef55");
          it.print(50, 300, id(emoji32), "\U0001F525"); 

  - file: 'gfonts://Material+Symbols+Outlined'
    id: 'icon32'
    size: 32
    glyphs: ["\U0000ef55", "\U0000e8ac"]
  - file: 'gfonts://Noto+Color+Emoji'
    id: 'emoji32'
    size: 32
    glyphs: ["\U0001F525", "\U0001F4A4"]

The icon with id icon32 shows up, but the emoji with id emoji32 (:fire:) doesn’t.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Cheers Carsten

Im trying something similar at the moment.

Symbols ‘fire’ and ‘zzz’ are working with b&w Emoji font “gfonts://Noto+Emoji&display=swap”


  - file: "gfonts://Noto+Emoji&display=swap"
    id: emoji
    size: 22  
    glyphs: ["\U0001F525", "\U0001F4A4"]
