How to use Helper Number to control automation?

I have a helper number configured as min. value 0, max. value 3, step size 1. What determines the initial value?

I want to have an automation use the current value of this number to control the action taken, then increment the value (or wrap around to 0 if the current value has reached the maximum of 3 already). (So no user input nor direct control of the number.)

The automation is triggered by a button press, and then the number value is what controls the specific actions.

Is it possible to use a helper number this way, and if so how do I build that automation in the GUI editor exactly?

You can absolutely do this. Just have a choose that looks at the numeric state of the input helper and does something based on each state, then after that have it increment the input number. You might have to manually check if it is at max and then set it to the min. (See How to wrap an input_number when incrementing?)
