How to use information from a REST endpoint in an automation?

Hey folks,

I would like to know if it is possible to use information from an REST endpoint in an automation? I would like to use an email list that I can get from an REST endpoint in an automation to send notifications to the email addresses I get from this endpoint. The email addresses can change daily, therefore I am looking for a solution to use variable receipients.

Thanks for your help in advance!

Create a rest sensor Integrations - Home Assistant

Thanks for your answer. With a REST sensor I am able to define a variable that I can then use in my notifier as target?

Which notifier are you using?

I want to send an email.

Which notifier are you using?

Sorry, not sure if I get your question. In my configuration.yaml I have an SMTP notifier:

  - name: "NOTIFIER_SMTP"
    platform: smtp

There is no mention of templating on the docs page, so I guess not. SMTP - Home Assistant

OK. But I would set the receipients via the target property in a service call within an automation.

what happens when you put a template in there?

I will try to reproduce it and come back with my template.