How to use Kerui P829 with HA

Hi all,

I have a Kerui P829 PIR motion detector and I want to use it with Home Assistant. It’s a 443 MHz device so I use my RFXCom usb adapter to receive the motion notifications. This works fine. I have checked on a laptop with FRXmngr and the notifications are received flawlessly.
In Home Assistant it should be configured as a binary sensor:
But this does not seem to work. When I set the automatic_add to true it is only sometimes found. And when I add it to the configuration.yaml the sensor does react to movement. The configuration looks the following:

  - platform: rfxtrx
    automatic_add: True
        name: Motionsensor
        device_class: motion
          seconds: 5

I also noticed that when I am again successful in adding the device the ID of the device has changed!
I really don’t know what to do anymore. Hopefully you guys can help me along!

Best regards,

Anyone has some idea what is going on?

So, what’s your problem? ^^

Did you get this device to work?

I have the same problem. I can add the device as binary_sensor.
After the first signal/motion the sensor state is set to motion. I stays that way. Off-delay doesn’t work.
In the logfile (debug is on for rfxtrx) I see incomming packages for this device.

I just got one of these and have the same issue - when I insert the batteries 2 devices are created in HA. Presumably one for PIR and one for the tamper switch. I can never seem to get either of them to retrigger though. When I remove and reinsert the batteries, 2 new devices are created in HA. And the issue persists.

Has anyone had success with one of these?