I have used this module https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000527585052.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.10.1a3c18024bW1q8
I think I had used this diode: bat45
Since the last update I have this problem.
Any idea ?
[09:56:17][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:18][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! EECB!=2100
[09:56:18][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:19][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 7EC6!=2100
[09:56:19][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:20][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 7EC6!=2100
[09:56:20][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:21][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 7EC6!=2100
[09:56:21][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:22][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! EECB!=2100
[09:56:22][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:23][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! EECB!=2100
[09:56:23][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:24][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! EE61!=2100
[09:56:24][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:25][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! EE61!=2100
[09:56:25][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:26][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 7E6C!=2100
[09:56:26][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! F141!=00
[09:56:27][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 1E75!=2100
[09:56:27][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:28][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 7EC6!=2100
[09:56:28][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
[09:56:29][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 7EC6!=2100
[09:56:29][W][modbus:105]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 3300!=00
I think the difference is that it talks to all of them at the same time.
I have change the “update_interval:” on one to be 1s, the other to be 1.02s
I get periodic CRCs when they align, but overall 95% of reads are good.
I used to have a delay in the code for the second one, but since an update that shows as a yaml error, so I can’t have it in the code now.
Hope this helps.
And they can be wired in parallel, since on Tx, each is just an LED and resistor on the PZEM board, and on the Rx, any one of them that is replying (- assuming you only addressed one!) can pull the input to the ESP down to ground.
If you want to talk to many, you’d need to change the drive strength of the ESP (ESP32 only feature), or the current it can output will be too low, when divided between all the PZEM bards, to drive the optocouplers and be able to signal to the PZEM electronics.
Otherwise 1 transistor could buffer the current if needed.
Drop me an Email if you want a diagram etc. [email protected] remove the 1’s
I have the same issue with the
Modbus CRC Check failed!
Have you found a solution?
Steeve wrote about reporting issue of several devices. But I have one only to test it.
Appears there was a bug introduced around 2022.11.3 that causes issues with modbus.
Some are having success with changing the arduino framework version as below.
board: nodemcu-32s
type: arduino
version: 2.0.6
Here are a couple related GitHub issues
In my case, I had an issue at about the same version that caused the Quinled-ESP32 ABE boards to not boot and switching to esp-idf resolved it.
I try to change address my PZEM004T to 0x003 to this code:
but it always has the old address: 0x01 what am I doing wrong?
name: ac-mero-01
## configure controller settings at setup
## make sure priority is lower than setup_priority of modbus_controller
priority: -100
- lambda: |-
auto new_address = 0x03;
if(new_address < 0x01 || new_address > 0xF7) // sanity check
ESP_LOGE("ModbusLambda", "Address needs to be between 0x01 and 0xF7");
esphome::modbus_controller::ModbusController *controller = id(pzem);
auto set_addr_cmd = esphome::modbus_controller::ModbusCommandItem::create_write_single_command(
controller, 0x0003, new_address);
delay(200) ;
ESP_LOGI("ModbusLambda", "PZEM Addr set");
send_wait_time: 200ms
id: mod_bus_pzem
- id: pzem
# The current device address.
address: 0x01
# The special address 0xF8 is a broadcast address accepted by any pzem device,
# so if you use this address, make sure there is only one pzem device connected
# to the uart bus.
# address: 0xF8
modbus_id: mod_bus_pzem
command_throttle: 0ms
setup_priority: -10
update_interval: 30s
Not providing any logs?
I think you wrongly changed this part
auto set_addr_cmd = esphome::modbus_controller::ModbusCommandItem::create_write_single_command(
controller, 0x0003, new_address)
the 0x0003 should be left as 0x0002, it’s register number for the address, not the address itself.
I got wrong low power incoming value, and also very low power factor. Trying to count my main AC power, energy consumption that connected to AC in of solar inverter.
I hope that some one can help to resolve issue with incorrect values? Much appreciated
Did you calibrate it? Here you can find a lot of information. It is for Tasmota but also works for ESPHOME:
PZEM-0xx power monitor - Tasmota
Unfortunately, I can’t use Tasmota. Because I have one esp32dev board that is already attached 2 more devices, so one device is attached to UART1, another with Bluetooth module, and Pzem 004t with UART2. Very strange when I chose any other appliances to measure, cattle, electric boiler, oven etc, it’s works correctly and power factor close to 1, but if I use for measure solar inverter AC IN it shows me very wrong value of power factor and Active Power. Do you know the correct way how to calibrate it?
i am only found this function in ESPhome like an example bellow:
- calibrate_linear:
# Map 0.0 (from sensor) to 0.0 (true value)
- 0.0 -> 0.0
- 0.131 -> 0.1442
- 0.418 -> 0.42035
- 0.603 -> 0.5981
- 3.054 -> 3.03078
- 4.035 -> 3.9948
- 6.085 -> 6.02167
- 7.346 -> 7.2887
- 13.093 -> 13.05151
is it possible to use button instead of switch?
Can someone explain me how to use button component instead of switch for reset?
- platform: uart
uart_id: PZem
id: reset_PZem
name: "PZem Reset"
data: [0x01, 0x42, 0x80, 0x11]
opening the site you linked shows this as first sentence:
PZEM is a dedicated separate energy monitor, device calibration in Tasmota is not supported.
this fact is repeated under the headline calibration
As the PZEM is a dedicated energy monitor, device calibration in TASMOTA is currently not supported.
What is AC in of solar inverter? Might wanna draft your wiring here?
But you might anyway need a bi-directional power meter (something the old pzem004t v1+v2 could be hacked to support but the pzem004t v3 isn’t capable of afaik)
By using a template button:
and make use of the uart.write
action for the on_press
or even easier by utilizing the pzemac.reset_energy
winner winner chicken dinner
This is my code, it works fine but I can’t get yesterday’s energy, the sensor is unknown. Where is the error?
name: pzemac
friendly_name: Wemos D1
board: esp01_1m
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "XXXX"
password: "xxxxxxx"
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
static_ip: 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Wemos-D1 Fallback Hotspot"
password: "xxx"
id: PZem
rx_pin: 14
tx_pin: 12
baud_rate: 9600
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "WiFi Sensor"
update_interval: 60s
- platform: pzemac
name: Home Current
unit_of_measurement: A
accuracy_decimals: 1
icon: mdi:flash-circle
name: Home Voltage
unit_of_measurement: V
icon: mdi:flash-circle
name: Home Power
unit_of_measurement: W
accuracy_decimals: 1
icon: mdi:flash-circle
id: home_power
name: Home Power Factor
id: pow_factor
name: Home Energy
unit_of_measurement: Wh
accuracy_decimals: 0
# - multiply: 0.001
icon: mdi:flash-circle
id: home_energy
update_interval: 5s
- platform: total_daily_energy
name: "Total Daily Energy"
unit_of_measurement: Wh
accuracy_decimals: 0
power_id: home_power
- platform: template
name: Energy Yesterday
id: set_yesterday
unit_of_measurement: Wh
accuracy_decimals: 0
icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
- platform: template
name: Reset
uart.write: [0x01, 0x42, 0x80, 0x11]
- platform: homeassistant
- seconds: 59
minutes: 59
hours: 23
- sensor.template.publish:
id: set_yesterday
state: !lambda |-
return id(home_energy).state;
I’m using this module to monitor my home consumption and it works quite nice. Even idle consumption is accurate. However my main breaker is only 40A, so I wanted to increase resolution, by using 50A transformer. Bought SCT016S 50A-100mA transformer, however it turned out to be very inaccurate at low currents, standard transformer is much better.
Now I’m thinking I could connect two 100A transformers in parallel, to increase accuracy. Would that work, or it’s not possible to connect multiple transformers?
Because the pzem004t (pcb) module is calibrated for the coil/clamp it is shipped with As I know 10A and 100A versions are sold but the coils/clamp are likely not interchangable
How comes that?
PZEM-004T v3
Measuring range:80~260V
Resolution: 0.1V
Measurement accuracy: 0.5%
Power factor
Measuring range: 0.00~1.00
Resolution: 0.01
Measurement accuracy: 1%
Measuring range: 45Hz~65Hz
Resolution: 0.1Hz
Measurement accuracy: 0.5%
Measuring range: 0~10A(PZEM-004T-10A); 0~100A(PZEM-004T-100A)
Starting measure current: 0.01A(PZEM-004T-10A); 0.02A(PZEM-004T-100A)
Resolution: 0.001A
Measurement accuracy: 0.5%
Active power
Measuring range: 0~2.3kW(PZEM-004T-10A); 0~23kW(PZEM-004T-100A)
Starting measure power: 0.4W
Resolution: 0.1W
Display format:
<1000W, it displays one decimal, such as: 999.9W
≥1000W, it display only integer, such as: 1000W
- Measurement accuracy: 0.5%
Active Energy
Measuring range: 0~9999.99kWh
Resolution: 1Wh
Measurement accuracy: 0.5%
Display format:
<10kWh, the display unit is Wh(1kWh=1000Wh), such as: 9999Wh
≥10kWh, the display unit is kWh, such as: 9999.99kWh
Which resolution is the one not sufficient for you? The current of 0.001A steps?