How to use SleepIQ integration


Does anyone know how to command both sides of the bed at once? I tried using a script which sets a height for both sides, but it seems like it cant handle the simultaneous requests. Like it starts one side then stops and then does the other.

So then I tried a script that selects the “Watch TV” preset, but I still have to choose left side or right side for an entity. If I select just one, the other side doesn’t move. If I select both, then it will only move 1 side. Once that side is done, I can re-trigger the script and it will raise the other side.

I suppose I could set a timer/delay between the one side and the other, but I would much rather have both sides of the bed move at once. I believe there is a way to do it since it can be done in the native SleepIQ app. Has anyone gone through this before?

I set a 10 second delay between a sequence of commands to SleepIQ. I’ve never found a way to make them move simultaneously. If you click one in the integration and then click the other, the first one stops moving.

A short delay is the best approach since each side is triggered off the change in the select dropdown. Therefore each command has to be sequential rather than simultaneous. I did add the RETRY service to my automation to negate dropped commands or the device failing to be ‘ready’. See code.

  - service: retry.actions
      - service: select.select_option
          option: Snore
          entity_id: select.sleepnumber_i8_his_foundation_preset
      retries: 2
      expected_state: 'Snore'
  - delay: "00:00:10"
  - service: retry.actions
      - service: select.select_option
          option: Snore
          entity_id: select.sleepnumber_i8_her_foundation_preset
      retries: 2
      expected_state: 'Snore'

Hope this is helpful.

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