How to use TTS/mediaplayer if DuckDNS is down?

I do have a DuckDNS ssl to enter my HA.
Last weeks sometimes DuckDNS is down. At such a moment TTS/mediaplayer is not working anymore, so my doorbell is not functioning for example.

I do have the next TTS setting in my cofiguration.yaml.
i do need an extra base_url, because of ssl
Is there a way to keep TTS/mediaplayer running local even if DuckDNS is down?

  - platform: google_translate
    language: 'nl'
#    base_url: #werkt niet met ssl

The problem is, using the LAN IP won’t work because the certificate won’t match.

The “answer” is to run a proxy server and handle the SSL there. Then you can use internally, and externally.

Thanks for the answer.
i’m happy there is a solution.
The problem is I’m not familiair to proxy servers.
Do you have a hint where to look to find out?

If you’re running the “Supervised” method (with add-ons) there’s going to be at least one, possibly many, add-ons for that. NGINX is probably the most commonly used one.

thanks again

I installed NGINX as shown in the pic.:

and do have the next configuration.yaml:
But I do not get it working.
What am I doing wrong?

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
   ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
   ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
    language: 'nl'
#    base_url:
    base_url: #werkt niet met ssl

That looks like a very incomplete NGINX config, nothing about the upstream at all (HA), but I don’t use add-ons.

Once you get that configured correctly you need to remove SSL from HA.