How to use

I am trying to make a notify that can be “global”
I would like to get the “message” from the message attribute, but i dont know how.

this is my nofity…
and I would like to use the text “NONE” into my Notify functions.

this is my notify functions in configuration.yaml

Its just a local SMS modem that using REST API.

But i would like to send NONE instead of vaskferdig…

Any ideas how to ajust the configuration.yaml?


is it possible to use any attribute in the automation?

how can i define a “mqtt” (or other dummy) device in the configration.yaml?

resource: 'http://10.x.x.x/cgi-bin/sms_send?username=xxx&password=pass&number=123456789&text='+{{ attribute.device_sensor.mqtt }} 

or something like that?