How to view current drawn from a Wemo Switch


I have a wemo switch which works fine as a switch and in automations, just wondering how do I see how much current it is drawing?

Discovery did not detect it, I had to add it manually on a static ip

My Wemo switch does not provide the current value, but it provides power, and the power value in Watts divided by the voltage (which should be reasonably static - here in Australia it’s about 240-250V) gives you the current in ampere.

OK, how do we access the power value then?

Sorry, just realised that I have a Wemo Insight switch. Not sure if all Wemo switch expose the power value.

Here is my template sensor. As far as I remember the attribute is not available at all times, but only when the switch is turned on, hence the if statement.

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{% if is_state("switch.wemo_insight_pool", "on") %}{{ states.switch.wemo_insight_pool.attributes.current_power_w | float(1) }}{% else %}0.0{% endif %}'
        friendly_name: "WeMo Insight Pool Current Power"
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        icon_template: "mdi:gauge"

How can I test if my plug has the capability to show power?

Only the Wemo Insight has the power attribute to track energy use. The others they offer do not.

Ah ok, thank you.