How to wire this garage opener to Shelly 1?

i have this garage opener

in the back, these are the wiring

if I touch 1 and 2, the door will open or close.

2 and 3 are wires going to the left and right bottom side of the garage door. reed switches to sense if door has reached the bottom???

i know how to use a Shelley 1 to short 1 and 2 to open or close. can i use the data from contact 2 and 3? or do i need to add another zigbee door sensor to know if the garage is opened or closed?
is there a way to know if the door is moving and whether it’s going up or going down?

I have a separate ZigBee sensor on my garage door to determine whether it is open or closed. Depending on what sensor you use you can determine whether it is moving ( if it has an accelerometer) or only determine open/closed.

I use Node-Red for my automations, using input booleans for open and close as well as logic so that I can use Google to open or close the garage door as well as NFC tags.

Works great!

I think you need to steer clear of the 2 door sensors. I believe they are not simple open/closed sensors and connecting to them may compromise their ability to detect something in the door opening. I use an Ecolink Z-Wave tilt sensor to report if the door is open or closed.

If you skip the shelley and use an esp8266 you can use it to open/close the door and detect reed switches for the door, or perhaps the existing sensors.


This is what the “sender” is getting from the Chamberlin:

The “receiver” is simply an optical detector and the door opener is looking for the same waveform. If they are different the Chamberlin assumes something is in the beam.

This might help:

In my case, I used a simple magnet door/window switch on each door in the closed position and a Wemos D1 Mini running ESPHome.

oh wow. i didnt know they are like some fancy laser beam trip wire. very interesting! thanks for confirming.

All “newer” door openers do this, though the Chamberlins are over 20 years old. This is make the sensors over-cautious and the fail mode is to assume the beam is blocked. To err on the side of safety, says the lawyers…

This can be defeated, but I don’t recommend it.