How value template command line switch

I am using HA #1 command line switch to control Device A in HA instance #2

Output is as below

{"attributes": {"friendly_name": "Projector", "icon": "mdi:television", "physical_address": "", "supported_features": 384, "type": "TV", "type_id": 0, "vendor_id": 0, "vendor_name": "JVC"}, "context": {"id": "5bfcdf8babbd42d2aad5e552adbd0b0c", "parent_id": null, "user_id": null}, "entity_id": "media_player.hdmi_0", "last_changed": "2019-05-23T17:59:43.020703+00:00", "last_updated": "2019-05-23T17:59:43.020703+00:00", "state": "on"}

How do I pull the “state” so I can let the switch know the device is ON?

- platform: command_line
        command_on: my on command
        command_off: my off command
        command_state: my state command
        value_template: '??? what I need to know'
        friendly_name: Device A

i used eventstream/statestream in past and want to try this for reliability. those worked just fine but there was occasion when mqtt server reboot and HA2 not reestablish connection. API is guarantee unless HA server down.

below ‘value_template’ worked. thanks @VDRainer

- platform: command_line
          command_on: my on command
          command_off: my off command
          command_state: my state command
          value_template: '{{ value_json.state == "on" }}'
          friendly_name: Device A

Copy and paste your output to a variable in Dev Tools/templates and play with it.

{% set value_json = {"attributes": {"friendly_name": "Projector", "icon": "mdi:television", "physical_address": "", "supported_features": 384, "type": "TV", "type_id": 0, "vendor_id": 0, "vendor_name": "JVC"}, "context": {"id": "5bfcdf8babbd42d2aad5e552adbd0b0c", "parent_id": null, "user_id": null}, "entity_id": "media_player.hdmi_0", "last_changed": "2019-05-23T17:59:43.020703+00:00", "last_updated": "2019-05-23T17:59:43.020703+00:00", "state": "on"} %}
{{ value_json.state }}

Returns: on