hi i tried to install the ESPHome dashboard but it doesnt exisit… tried to follow videos… and the Add intergration from the ESPHome website but says it cant be found… all i can do is the add intergration in the intergration for a ESP device if i knew the IP
i just ordered a couple dht22 and wroom32 devices but i wanna setup the dashboard first and i cant…
so then you cant do the install in windows like i was watchiong a video…
ok ya i didnt know i had to click the link… and found the github link thought it was addons.community link lol
i remember these apps… i remember when i installed the HACs that those addons disappeared… figured it moved over to HACS… but i got it installed… now just have to wait for the esp stuff to arrive so i can sample it
@pepe59 thats ok when i read it way you stateed all i had to do was copy and paste that link
and ill read 2 other links the other guy posted… i appreciate the help least its back (: and the esphome dashboard is installed… i still learning i cant get my head wrapped around all of thise yet and i been dabiling a year now… 1 piece at a time and ask for help from the experts (
how you run those? i click Terminal in Home Assistant and tried
those commands…
the FAQ doesnt say where you run these commands
so i lost i cant do #2
esphome config livingroom.yaml
as esphome doesnt exisit when i run it in HA terminal… am i missing something or is there another program you need to run to get esphome docker and pip3 to work?
as i remember pip3 is for raspberry pi in raspbian thats the extent i know
or is it you SSH into the ESP device and then run those commands… i didnt find the esphome getting started really helpful a total beginner…
as when i googled i found one about HA being able to program it… or ardunino IDE software… or you can do it without the ardunio ide software…
so i didnt find the getting started totally helpful to a total noob on esp stuff
i was following this youtube video… since the esphome getting started didnt make sense to me on how to program it… as it didnt say what you all needed
I use HaOS on Rpi4 and it’s simple.
In the add-in, enable it to display in the sidebar.
Click the esphome icon in the sidebar.
Connect the node to the rpi with a usb cable.
Use the + button on the screen (adds a new node).
Select usb connection in the menu.
Follow the instructions on the screen to create a new node.
Click edit on the node and you can configure what you need.
Save the configuration and run the install.
It goes through the website, but this way I’ve never had a problem.
question for ya… since i not using the raspberry pi. home assistant vM i tried to do the web browswer it only does https but home assistant is http: do i need to convert it?
and is the wroom32 is it hta wroom-02 i choose… i played with it… but will try to add the wroom to the vm add it to a usb port
so right now just playing around to get it to work… and i guess i need https for home assistant? is that what everyone is running or is everyone running http for home assistant