Howto: Fibaro Motion Sensor - FGMS-001|FGMS001 (v3.3). Get it to work properly

Hello folks,

I would like to share my findings with this nice sensor. Fortunately and also finally I got it to work as expected with (I guess) all the features it has. It took me some days after work to find a proper solution.

With this thread I would like to save you some time in tshoot, research and especially testing non working solutions with trial “n” error.

Quick-Readers: SEE BELOW

So basically I tried almost any solution I found here and elsewhere. Fact is - it did not work properly for me. The sensor itself worked. Like Burglar mode (State 1,3,8) but it was not possible to configure the device itself via z-wave integration and use other functions of that device. All of the options did not exist. So I tried to remove it,reset it, reconect, remove it, … Either way it did not work.
“CommandClass id=112” was completely empty. So I tried to add it myself. Also this did not work at all. I got the config settings then, but still no luck. Especially I found unequal settings by different people and different version it seems. Most recent was from v3.2.

Then I read about the implementation of the z-wave integration and especially its version. It’s quite old. So basically this version is from 2016. Seems there are some python issues or somewhat that its by now not possible to use the recent version from 2019 in the non beta integration.

Solution: Remove the integration and install OpenZWave (beta). It works now like a charm! Yes, the integration is not just implemented with one click. But this did the trick for me. The z-wave implementation is quite recent and I am very happy with it. If you need help with this - guess I can help. I’m running the complete version on a Pi 3 B+ and manual HA Core install in a venv.

So if you are a beginner like me and don’t want to spent hours in tshoot sessions. Just give this a try. Sure I learned new stuff. But tbh at first I just wanted to have it run in a decent way, before I play with my new toy :wink:



Hi fastboot

That is weird… I had the exact opposite experience :wink:
In my old “classic Z-Wave” integration, my Fibaro PIRs (fgms001), was one of my most stable battery devices - After I set the TimeOut. It had LUX, humidity, Temperature EarthQuake sensors.

I switched to the new OpenZWave (beta), and everything works more stable and is more uniform.

My only problem-device is actually the Fibaro PIRs, that do not work - It simply comes up as unknown devices! Have not spend that much time to solve it yet, still have to get all devices working within OpenZWave (beta) - but it is next on my list.

I had some issues with while in the configuration, the entire z-wave stack crashes (perhaps related?), but a “Z-Wave add-on restart” fixes this. It never happens in “daily operations”, (luckily) only when I configure devices.

k.r. Niels

Hi Niels,

this is weird. Sure you used also the v3.3 versions? For me the biggest problem was that I had no possibility to change values, because options to change this just did not exist. By now everything is working pretty well. I use the most recent version of open z-wave (beta)



Just updated… will try to re-pair it, and hopefully it will work :wink: Thanks…

I’m a bit late to this thread but is it working better now ?