Howto: Xiaomi vacuum zoned cleaning

When you say “fall outside the map” I think you mean that they’re unreachable, right? Like the top-right corner of my zone which is “in the map” but is a solid object (and therefore unreachable).

Am I understanding you correctly?

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Yep, that’s it. I have tested it before, it works fine.
It seems the vacuum is very picky with the zoned cleaning coordinates, at least with the initial cleaning area of the zone. As you can see it seems it wanted to start on the top right corner, since it’s not reachable it gave up and went back.

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Thanks @gurbina93 - I’ll try that now!

Sadly - same issue. Drew a smaller zone inside a single room, it got to this point then returned to base claiming some areas were unreachable.

Can I bump here? Bump.

Anyone exposed the vacuum domain to Google assistant? If yes, how can you control zone cleaning?

I have now a script for each zone, so I call that script from Google assistant… But would be nicer to expose the vacuum as a real vacuum

Same thing happening to me :frowning:
The vacuum moves in, out and around the designated area, but does not finish the job. I looks like it’s lost.

What did you use to determine the zone coordinates?

To find the Zone Coordinates, I used “app_goto_target” from Home Assistant (call service), while watching the Xiaomi app on my phone. It places the GPS-pin on the map when you call the service so you can see where the coords you’ve entered are.

I discovered the two corners of my room using this method (results below):

  "entity_id": "vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner",
  "command": "app_goto_target",
  "params": [29700,23500]

  "entity_id": "vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner",
  "command": "app_goto_target",
  "params": [27250,25600]

I then combined the sets of coords into the following command for Zoned Cleanup (again, calling the service from Home Assistant with the Xiaomi app open on phone):

"entity_id" : "vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner",
"repeats" : "1",
"zone": [[27250,25600,29700,23500]]

It correctly draws the zone rectangle in the Xiaomi app BUT the robot doesn’t complete the zone . For some reason it starts cleaning outside the zone, goes into the zone briefly (around my kitchen island), then returns to base.

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Google now launcher the trait for zone control, would be a cool feature the expose native zones in our Google assistant… Instead of script

I recommend the Flolevac app to find rhe coordinates.I use it and wirks perfectly.

I followed the exact same steps and obtained the same results.

I did that but can’t find them. Could you tell me where I can find them in the app? look like it is android only

I have Android but still can’t find it… Ps I have downloaded from Google app store. Maybe different from apk?

Where in the app do you see the coordinates?

Nothing, no answer.

Google play. If you roll back in this topic you can find the using of it. You have to select the zoned cleaning, mark the area and long press on the start, then the marked area coordinates will be copied.


Excellent, that seems to work!

has any1 tried exposing the xiaomi with MI Home App to google assistant?
so not from HA

is then zone cleaning an option?

in 89.0 there was a new service for zone clean, but it was already possible before?
can someone explain me the difference?