HS-WX300 Missing Configuration, Possible Driver Update

Got myself a new issue with the HS-WX300. I tried to add some new dimmers today, and noticed something unusual. On the newly added dimmers, the Configuration section is now completely unusable. I noticed a recent change to the driver at Z-Wave JS, so I’m wondering if that has something to do with this all: History for packages/config/config/devices/0x000c/hs-wx300.json - zwave-js/node-zwave-js · GitHub

Of note, all my HS-WX300 show up with a Product ID of 0x4036. Since the most recent commit was directly related to that Product ID, makes me think it’s related.

Here’s what the old switches looked like:

Here’s what the new switches looked like (i.e. after the update to Z-Wave JS):

Any ideas what might be going on?

After this week’s update, I performed a re-interview, and now everything is back to normal. So, to whomever fixed the bug: Thank you! :slight_smile:

DocBrow, would you mind sharing what exactly you updated to get this fix?

I updated Home Assistant to 2021.12.

Is parameter 3 reversed for you? I was struggling to figure out how it works. It seems to affect LED 1 but when I select on when load is on, LED 1 turns on when the load is off and all 7 lights turn on when the load is on. When I select on when the load is off, it only lights all 7 LEDs when the load is on. I had to revert to custom LED notifications and an automation to turn LED 1 on and off. Curious if I misunderstood the parameter setting or if it is a bug? If someone could tell me their interpretation/results it would be greatly appreciated. I was hoping to be able to just control LED 1 with the status of the load.

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