I would like to propose a new component that would allow us to paste some html/javascript code and display it in Home Assistand dashboard.
I came to the idea when I was trying to embed aqi.cn air quality widget into Home Assistant so that I could see the data right in my HA dashboard not go to aqi.cn page. AQI does not provide api and it’s hard to write component for it without api.
There are many sites that provide widget codes so that you can easily embed references to their sites in your blog.
Such container would provide generic support for embedding such data. The only problem is that we probably wouldn’t be able to get values from widgets and write automation based on that like now with weather site components.
Does anyone thing it’s valid idea? Or maybe it could be already done?
I tried to do it but failed somewhere along the way. Then I’ve checked the documentation that it’ll add another iframe on the left menu beside States, Map, Logbook and History. At least that’s how I understandt it.
My idea is not to add another iframe but rather embed such widget so that it’ll be visible on main page right beside switches, lights, sensors or whatever we put there.
And by widgets I mean those small site widgets that you put on your blog to show ex. how many km you’ve done on Strava, show AQI: http://aqicn.org/?city=Beijing&widgets&blogger-wordpress or something from Wolfram: http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/
It would be just a place to insert your code to display on main page in frame besides other components.
I understand that we’d have very limited if any, possibility to interact with values from such widgets as probably none of them would return values into HA so that it can react in any way.
It just would be a way to see some data on dashboard before creating real component or putting there some generic html thing like a picture of you dog or whatever.