Has anyone come up with a solution for the target name changing when you re-register a browser for push notifications?
I always name my phone jphone on my mobile. If I turn push notifications off for some reason and then back on, I’ll name it jphone again. However in html5_push_registrations.conf my phone will now be called jphone_2 (because jphone already exists) meaning my phone will no longer receive notifications for jphone because it is now known as jphone_2.
What I end up doing is changing the new jphone_2 entry to jphone in html5_push_registrations.conf and deleting the original jphone entry so I don’t have to change all the push notification targets. However this is a bit of a hack and if my wife happens to turn hers off and on in her phone I wouldn’t know about it until she complains she’s not getting any messages.
Am I missing something here? Is there a better way to deal with this? Is there no way for the original entry in the conf to be automatically deleted when push notifications are turned off in a browser so the name is available to use when notifications are re-enabled?