Html5 notification file changes

Dear all,

I have set the html5 notification for my devices.
Bue only for my smartphone (android with chrome) very frequently the notification stop working.
When I open the html5_push_registrations.conf file i find the new unknow_device… This unknow device is my smartphone, so i have to remove my old smartphone section in this file, and rename the new unknow_device. After this modification the notification start to work again.
Why this happen?

No one have this same issue?

This was an issue maybe 10 releases ago. But in one of those recent releases (can’t remember which ) they fixed the conf file so it would stop adding existing devices.

Thanks Juan, when I can find the modification to do!? I have the last version why this issue isn’t correct automaticly?

Well, users didn’t have to do anything. It came with the release.
Maybe you can try deleting the conf file. Restarting and populating a new file,

You are tolking about configuration.yaml!?

The html.conf file that’s automatically created by HA.

Ok thanks, i try to delete it and make a new one.

You don’t need to make it. If you delete and restart HA it creates it on its own