HTML5 problems

can someone please help me? I dont know what I have done wrong to not be able to turn the notification slider on…

Are you accessing https ha site?
Are you lookingfir switch in correct place under configuration>>general

I am trying to use https however I get the message that the site is not secure (as you can see the resulting address below) and am looking at the slider in the config section. I have never been able to get the https to be ‘happy’ but i thought that was due to the self signed certificate… maybe I’m wrong

Valid https cert required

how can I fix that? I’m using the HassIO addon for DuckDNS with inbuilt Lets Encrypt.

So why does it say not secure in the browser address bar?

I’ve been looking at other threads and I think it may be due to a router port forwarding issue but not sure. Trying to get a definitive answer on which ports are required

Your cert is not valid. Fix that and you should be ok.

Port 443 is https basically

so should i be forwarding external port 443 to the RPi’s IP address @ port 443, or port 8123?.. or is it the other way around?

I only have 80-80, 8123-8123, 3218-3218 and 7681-7681
80 for SSL LetsEncrypt verification, 8123 for HA, 3218 for Configurator and 7681 for terminal. Otherwise I can’t access them.

ah, ok. thanks. the one I have missing is 80-80. I’ll give that a try and hopefully everything starts to work like it should. cheers!

one thing I have just read on another thread suggests not to forward port 80 due to issues it can cause with Google Home. Do you have Google Homes? no issues?

443 should be to 8123.

When you access the site at it should present your https cert. Currently it is not doing that. I don’t use that add-on so I can’t help with config of that but it might be that you currently have 8123 forwarded to 8123 through router causing issue

google home no issues.
443-8123 does not work for me.
8123-8123 will not cause any issues!
Google Home works fine with 80-80

I think you should be able to access from

I can’t. It does not work. I must specify the port and other people find this as well.

I’m still having trouble getting my UI to open with HTTPS. I have the certificate issue still… Are you able to help please @DavidFW1960 ? My config is as per below which I thought should work…but doesnt.


  # Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

DuckDNS Add-on setup

router config:

and yet STILL…


Which is both annoying in its own right, but apparently stopping me from getting the HTML5 notifications setup :persevere:

actually… I think I found my problem. I was logging in at home using my RPi IP address which obviously doesnt have the associated certificate. I just tried using my DuckDNS address from home and it says its secure with HTTPS :hugs: tried on my phone as well and its happy too.

Now to get the notifications going!

@sparkydave hahaha! well done. Yeah I get the not secure if I don’t use the duckdns address. Didn’t occur to me you were not doing that.

unfortunately my work blocks DuckDNS so I have to use my routers external IP to bypass the block. When at home I was just using my local IP as its faster to load everything. Now that I fixed the port 80 forwarding in my router I can get a secure connection on my phone via DuckDNS and the HTML5 notifications work. very happy.

Now if I can only get owntracks to work as well…