HTML5 problems

I think you should be able to access from

I can’t. It does not work. I must specify the port and other people find this as well.

I’m still having trouble getting my UI to open with HTTPS. I have the certificate issue still… Are you able to help please @DavidFW1960 ? My config is as per below which I thought should work…but doesnt.


  # Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

DuckDNS Add-on setup

router config:

and yet STILL…


Which is both annoying in its own right, but apparently stopping me from getting the HTML5 notifications setup :persevere:

actually… I think I found my problem. I was logging in at home using my RPi IP address which obviously doesnt have the associated certificate. I just tried using my DuckDNS address from home and it says its secure with HTTPS :hugs: tried on my phone as well and its happy too.

Now to get the notifications going!

@sparkydave hahaha! well done. Yeah I get the not secure if I don’t use the duckdns address. Didn’t occur to me you were not doing that.

unfortunately my work blocks DuckDNS so I have to use my routers external IP to bypass the block. When at home I was just using my local IP as its faster to load everything. Now that I fixed the port 80 forwarding in my router I can get a secure connection on my phone via DuckDNS and the HTML5 notifications work. very happy.

Now if I can only get owntracks to work as well…