Been using HTML5 for a year now and today migrated to VAPID after 0.93.1 update
I was able to get PC setup without issue but Mobile not so much. I found that Chrome Mobile is not receiving notifications no matter what I do. The device is registered but never recieves messages. I registered device for notifications in firefox and worked immediately.
I dont see any truly related issues in github as I can receive with screen off.
really just FYI for anyone since this is suitable solution for now but am really curious as to cause and open to troubleshooting suggestions.
Are you pushing notifications to specific devices using targerts? Or to all of them?
If it’s the former, have a look inside html5_push_registrations.conf to make sure your device names are the same.
Also did you check under your profile section of HA on mobile if push notifications are on?
if you go to chrome://gcm-internals in crome browser, you can see debug messages for GCM.
On this page I can see that the device is receiving messages but possibly not have keys to decrypt. Each message sent to device results in “There are no associated keys with the subscription”
I unsubscibe in chrome then logout and verify delete from .conf file
No more decrypt error but no messages appear.
At same time I notice I not reciving messages from other push sites (like HA community).
I now focus on this issue.
In the end I reset phone.
I assume something was hanging in background. On phone since messages were received by chrome but not displayed as confirmed by GCM.
2 things occured at once so not sure which is fix.
After reset phone…chrome was not synced with my account. I login to HA and setup push during that time. Unsynch chrome and login may be enough