HTML5 Push notifications not working with cloud

Hi folks,

I’ve been tinkering with HTML5 push notifications as I think it would be a great way to get notifications both on desktop and mobile without the need for additional apps. Unfortunately I can’t get the flipping thing to work. I thoroughly followed the instructions under to set up the Google project and verify the domain etc. I’m using the cloud service for external access and therefore verified the domain ownership via putting the verification html file into my /local folder. The domain verification worked fine and I activated the integration in my configuration.yaml via the vapid pub and priv key configuration:

  - platform: html5
    name: html5notify
    vapid_pub_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    vapid_priv_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    vapid_email: [email protected]

After restarting HA I was able to activate the HTML5 notification slider in my user profile and Chrome prompted me for confirmation of the notification settings, which I confirmed.

Unfortunately, when I try to run a service call to notify.html5notify with {"message": "test notification"} as payload, I don’t get any notifications at all. I tried it on 2 different computers, on Chrome and Firefox as well as my Android phone without any luck.

Unfortunately I don’t get any error messages in the logs, therefore I assume the function call works as intended.

Any pointers for further troubleshooting of this issue?


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Strange. I did it all, and it seems to work :confused:

Did you get it to work after all? I’m having the same issue…

Make sure your domain is listed in that page after you have verified it:

I was missing that part, it has not been automatically added after I verified my domain on Webmaster Central

Once I’ve added the domain in that list it worked as expected

In my case, all was working like it should but I didn’t receive a notification also in my chrome browser… Few hours later, it was a notification setting on my windows 10 laptop that was disabled for chrome popups

You have a typo in “vapid_priv_key” parameter name. The correct name is “vapid_prv_key”