HTML5 Push Notifications - 'Unexpected Error' at Login

I am trying to setup HTML5 Push Notifications, I have set up the prereqs and have external HTTPS and a google cloud/firebase project setup. However after modifying the configuration.yaml file I can no longer login, I just get an ‘Unexpected Error’ message at login and nothing in the homeassistant.log.

My configuration.yaml has the following:

  - platform: html5
    gcm_api_key: '[redacted server key]'
    gcm_sender_id: '[redacted sender id]'

Did you figure this out? I am experiencing the same issue.

update: I was able to use legacy key from firebase to get this working

check ~/.homeassistant/home-assistant.log for errors. Odds are you have a syntax problem in your configuration that caused HA to not boot properly.

EDIT: I realize the OP was a month ago, but this is still relevant.