I have a problem with adding a camera. For simplicity my dashboards configs are in the same directory as the HA configs
Dashboard Structure
I have tried adding a camera but whenever attempting to display the dashboard I get a 500 error.
I can’t seem to find a log file for appdaemon anywhere, I have tried running it in foreground with the -D DEBUG option but no error is displayed.
The code for the dashboard is as follows
## Main arguments, all optional
title: Lounge
widget_dimensions: [120, 120]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 9
widget_type: label
text: Lights
widget_type: label
text: Switches
widget_type: label
text: Conditions
widget_type: label
text: Security
widget_type: gauge
title: Temp
min: 0
max: 50
units: "°C"
entity: sensor.netatmo_indoor_temperature
widget_type: gauge
title: Humidity
min: 0
max: 100
units: "%"
entity: sensor.netatmo_indoor_humidity
widget_type: gauge
title: Noise
min: 0
max: 100
units: "dB"
entity: sensor.netatmo_indoor_noise
widget_type: gauge
title: Co2
min: 0
max: 2000
units: "ppm"
entity: sensor.netatmo_indoor_co2
widget_type: camera
title: Living Room
#refresh: 1
entity_picture: !secret lounge_cam_url
- include: header
- lights_label(2x1), light.lounge
- switches_label(2x1), switch.alex, switch.becs
- environment_label(2x1), lounge_temp, lounge_humidity, lounge_co2, lounge_noise
- security_label(2x1), sensor.lounge_motion, sensor.back_door
The relevant section of the secrets file, url, password and token have been redacted. The url is the external domain for the HA installation not a local IP.
Doing a local curl of the url does provide a still image as expected so the url is okand the camera is working fine in HA.
I have not added the camera to the dashboard, the error is thrown with just the definition.
# Cameras
lounge_cam_url: https://<redacted>/api/camera_proxy/camera.lounge?token=<redacted>&api_password=<redacted>
Anyone have any ideas?
i would try it without the token, but i suspect that the problem is httpS
you probably have setup encryption for HA which can be a problem.
if your setup is correct and if HA and AD are on the same device there should not be a problem to reach HA without encryption like:
if you get a picture when you try that in a browser then i should use that.
and to be sure just first add it in your dash and not in secret.
i would try it without the token, but i suspect that the problem is httpS
you probably have setup encryption for HA which can be a problem.
if your setup is correct and if HA and AD are on the same device there should not be a problem to reach HA without encryption like:
if you get a picture when you try that in a browser then i should use that.
and to be sure just first add it in your dash and not in secret.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I have tried that but still get the same 500 error. I have …
Removed all SSL from HA and Appdaemon
Tried the IP camera url in a browser (works fine). This was without the token
Add it to the dash in the dash file
Still getting a 500 error
did you clear cache in between trying?
did you clear the compiled dir in between trying?
did you try just this:
title: Lounge
widget_dimensions: [120, 120]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 9
widget_type: camera
title: Living Room
entity_picture: http://<redacted>/api/camera_proxy/camera.lounge?api_password=<redacted>
- living_roomcam
Again thanks for the reply
I didn’t clear the cache but did force a recompile from the browser. I did try just adding the url to the dash rather than using secrets.
make sure you deleted the compiled files after an errorpage, to be sure that it is recompiled.
from the browser you cant force that.
and try to make a new dashboard like i showed, to make sure its working.
make sure you deleted the compiled files after an errorpage, to be sure that it is recompiled.
from the browser you cant force that.
and try to make a new dashboard like i showed, to make sure its working.
Perfect thanks.
Clearing the compiled directories has removed the 500 error but only if the camera url is in the dash file. If I put the camera url in the secrets file its not working but I will dig into that a bit more
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you could try to make it quoted with single or double quote (remember to clear before you retry)
its probably a YAML error that triggers the 500 error page.
I tried using double quotes and clearing the cache but still no luck, not getting the 500 error just no image
I’ll start digging through the code as I suspect it cannot find the secret, the src attribute in the iFrame is null which leads me to think it cannot find the value