HTTP Binary Sensor

I am attempting to setup an HTTP Binary sensor that I can that I can trigger using curl from another machine.

I have added this to my configuration according to the HTTP Doc::
api_password: 123

I have followed the curl test according to the HTTP Binary Sensor Doc with the below results. As you can see in the below screen shots I have tried it two ways.


Any Ideas?

I think all the \ characters are confusing bash.

This seems to work (even before is defined !

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d  '{"state": "off", "attributes": {"friendly_name": "Radio"}}' http://localhost:8123/api/states/
{"attributes": {"friendly_name": "Radio"}, "entity_id": "", "last_changed": "2018-02-12T16:15:01.685174+00:00", "last_updated": "2018-02-12T16:15:01.685174+00:00", "state": "off"}

Edit: Note that I don’t have an api_password defined.

I figured it out. for some reason local host wasnt working for me i had to enter the IP address of my server.

Can you run this same command some how in internet explore? Say if i wanted to do this same thing from a Windows machine?

No, Web browsers only do ‘GET’, not ` ‘POST’

Thanks, Is there a different way to get this same result or maybe utilizing a different sensor in order to get it to work with a web browser?

Same problem…I need to send a POST from Macrodroid that contains a number…any ideas?

@HFsi What is the end result in Home assistant you are looking for?

To show the battery status of a tablet…now I´m doing it trough a file sensor, but it seems a pretty raw method