I’m trying to send the disable API command to my PiHole instance running on the same HassIO instance, but the HTTP Request node is throwing the following error:
"Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN myaddress.duckdns.org myaddress.duckdns.org:4865 : https://myaddress.duckdns.org:4865/admin/api.php?disable=600&auth=myapikey"
My home assistant instance is running and operational at https://myaddress.duckdns.org:8123, and my router is correctly forwarding ports for both pihole and home assistant because I can reach both via the same https url. When I execute the request url in Chrome it runs correctly with no errors. I have checked enable SSL/TLS
in the node props, and supplied the appropriate cert and priv. key from the duckdns plugin, all other props are unset.
Ideas? I can’t for the life of me see why its throwing a DNS error.