HTTP server for GET updates

I have a device that will provide “real-time” updates via HTTP GET. Can anyone point me to an existing component that implements an http server or provide recommendations on any modules?

Take a look at the http scraper as it might work for your application.

I took a quick look, but it appears the scrape sensor will scrape a webpage. I’m looking to create a web server that will receive GET requests. These requests are initiated by the board as updates.

You may be able to do it via the API.

Need more details about this device. How flexible are the http gets? Can you specify URL? Does it send json? XML? How does it send info? Header? Impossible to help without more info

The board is customizable in what path the GET request takes. General form is:

http://HASS_IP/sensors/notify.php?inputs_now=16&inputs_changed=16 &outputs_now=0&outputs_changed=1

… I meant to add that I’m trying to write a custom_component.

perhaps this


is what you are looking for

That looks perfect, thank you! Strange that it doesn’t appear in the GitHub source any more. Going to have to do some digging.

it looks to be part of the api so if your looking for the code might be worth starting here…