Huawei_lte notification sms HOWTO

I used to use the huawei notification sms. But since last update this configuration doesn’t work anymore. I cannot find out how to adjust this and how to use it in an automation.

Can someone please give me some clues to make it work again?

Thank you!!

Hi Maijkers, Thanks. But I still cannot make it work. When I change the configuration, home-assistant won’t restart anymore.

This is how my config looks like:

  - url:
    username: secret
    password: secret
        - +31612345678
        - 1280

How can I sent a sms ?

A bit late , but might be helpful for others…
I was is same situation and could not find a way to send SMS

config is correct:

  - url:
    username: admin
    password: pass
        - +4471234567890

after reboot you’l get new service: ‘notify.huawei_lte’ in service data put in

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Hi Incar! Thank you for your reply. Can you give an example of an automation that sent a sms?
I don’t have a clue how to make this work.
Thank you!!

Hi! Actually it is more simple command

message: TEST MESSAGE 

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For automation set trigger and add action

- id: '1591759729430'
  alias: sms
  description: ''
  - device_id: 6d4cbee47b4c408fb2397651be759c69
    domain: switch
    entity_id: switch.mains_multimedia
    platform: device
    type: turned_off
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: hello world
    service: notify.huawei_lte
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ok. Going to try that :slight_smile: And how do you specify the number to sent the message to?

It is recipient: in config file

Which model of Huawei modem do you use?

Hi, I have the e5186-22a.

If do not work, maybe there is problem in compatibility…
Can’t help you… sorry…

managed to get it working by add single quotations around recipient as below

  - url:
    username: !secret router_username
    password: !secret router_password
         - '+20100xxxxxxx'
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Hi everyone,

Is this these tips still work? I am not able to send sms through this integration and tips in this thread :frowning:

I have a Huawei B715s-23c router.