Huawei router device tracker remove devices

I added an Huawei router and now all devices connected to router are showing as device trackers. Is there a way to remove any of the devices added? I want to to set track_new_devices to false so I can keep the ones I want to track. The naming is quite confusing as well with some using MAC addresses and others the host name.

I know there use to be a known devices yaml file but I just started using HA, so I can’t see this devices in anywhere except the Customization page on UI.

My first post, sorry for the noob question.

Thank you!

How did you add the router? In your configuration.yaml?

I would think you would have to specify the device_tracker integration as well.

  - platform: huawei
    host: !secret router_ip
    username: !secret router_login
    password: !secret router_pass
    interval_seconds: 15
    consider_home: 180
      - !secret mac1_i_want_to_track
      - !secret mac2_i_want_to_track

This is how I did it for my netgear. By adding the devices list, it will only create device_tracker entities for things that match the MAC addresses in the list.

I put them in my secrets.yaml file just in case I want to use my phone MAC address in other things. Should it ever change, I only have to change it in a single spot rather than who knows how many later.

I didn’t realize I could add devices by mac address. At least I think that option is not on the docs. But yes, I have my configuration file similar to yours.

That’s a good option for me. But for the devices that I have now is there any way to delete? I even tried to comment the Huawei router integration and they’re all still listed.

Edit: you have a Netgear router. Devices are probable just a Netgear variable.

Well, netgear still used the known_devices.yaml, so I could just delete that and restart to remove them.

You’ll probably have to remove the Huawei integration, reboot, then readd it (with the updated configs). That should get rid of them…

Any updates on this one in 2024?
I’ve just added Huawei LTE integration (via UI) and it set up 27 devices!
I don’t need to track my Shelly devices or other wifi devices that I have in my house.

Is there a way to remove all of them? Or even better. How to Remove (Disable) the device tracker in Huawei LTE?