I just ran a routine update of Home Assistant and suddenly my Hubitat Elevation sensors won’t load. My initial screenshot here shows an HA warning:
but then the logs don’t clearly show anything wrong:
When I go to the full logs the first error is something like this at the end
{"a":{"persistent_notification.invalid_config":{"s":"notifying","a":{"message":"The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:\n\n - hubitat.sensor ([Show logs](/config/logs?filter=hubitat.sensor))\n\nPlease check your config and [logs](/config/logs).","title":"Invalid config","friendly_name":"Invalid config"},"c":"01HB5BV34DN71H5G06TNCH0JB9","lc":1695618534.541661}}}},{"id":13,"type":"event","event":{"event_type":"persistent_notifications_updated","data":{},"origin":"LOCAL","time_fired":"2023-09-25T05:08:54.541899+00:00","context":{"id":"01HB5BV34D0K08HDQJHH2TX4MK","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}}}]
2023-09-24 22:08:54.668 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [140454182644768] Sending [{"id":2,"type":"event","event":{"a":
I’m a little bit lost - can anyone help me understand what might have just broken about my HE/MakerAPI integration? When I manually look at my full Maker URL with device details everything loads great and looks normal, so I’m leaning toward, “HA is somehow borked.”
- seems like other devices are loading, it’s specifically sensors that are failing