Hue_activate_scene - Support for transitions


It would be really great if it would be possible to transition into Hue scenes stored on the bridge.
Something like this:

    - service: light.hue_activate_scene
        group_name: 'Bedroom'
        scene_name: 'Bedroom - Morning'
        transition: 600

I know it’s possible with HA scenes, but it would be very convenient if it was possible with the native scenes too.

Did you try taking out the ‘-’ in the scene name? It doesn’t seem to be formatted that way in the example:

That’s the namn of my scene in the Hue bridge :slight_smile:

I got the impression from the example that it was scene_name: Room Name Scene Name.

I guess I’ll have to mess with this to see how it is supposed to work. I use HA scenes exclusively. Le me see if I come up with anything before someone else answers this!

The scene activation is working they way I have it setup, but I want to transition into a scene.

Does the Hub support internal transitions though? There’s no provision for transitions at all in the app that I know of.

That might be the problem.

Yeah it does, in iConnectHue you can set transitions to switches and they work without any interaction from the phone.

Maybe we should change this into a Feature Request then. What do you think?

Sounds good to me.

OK, moved and edited title; now you can vote.

How are activating this service working on same thing myself

+1 for this, would be an amazing feature to have since I do all my scenes in the Hue app, I like it take way because you can test what it looks like before you add it. Having a nice transition when switching between them would be awesome.

+1 I would use this as well.

+1 for this too!

+1 here too

+1 from me too

+1 would be a great feature. Scripting seems to miss some lights now and then while scenes do not have this issue.

+1 from me

+1 :slight_smile:

Is there another way until this is fixed?