Hue Bridge Install error

I have just started on Home Assistant. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 model B and have installed Hassbian 1.31 on it. The only ‘smart’ stuff I have is a Philips Hue Bridge and 3 hue white bulbs. Going to http://hassbian.local:8123 I see the PHue configorator telling me to press the HBridge btn and then click the btn on screen. I do that and sure enough the 3 Light Bulbs show up, but in the home-assistant.log I get:

2017-11-03 14:04:44 WARNING (Thread-9) [homeassistant.components.light.hue] Connected to Hue at but not registered.

There is a phue.conf which contains:

{“”: {“username”: “bunch of letters & numbers here”}}

There is no devices file in the dir. I have wiped th SD and retried installing 3 times, same result every time. How do I get HA to “see” the Hue Bridge?

I have the same issue, I manually registered my Hue bridge in configuration.yaml with:


  • host: 192.168.1.xx

And tried to hide the register card via

ignore: - philips_hue

But no luck =(, hid it manually but is shows up from time to time again. Really disturbing.

Think I found the solution as posted in this thread: