Hue bulb color values/settings extraction

Has anyone figured out a way to extract the numeric color settings of specific bulbs/scenes that are run in the Phillips Hue app?
Ie. Were one considering transfer of scene control from the Hue ecosystem to having do all the heavy lifting, how would you go about it? Is there a relatively painless way to look at how Hue sets its color and brightness and transfer those exact settings to a defined one?

Hi Shazster,

If I understand correctly, you just want to be able to export and import?
I dont know how to do a bulk export.

The way I setup all my lighting automations is to set the light manually to exactly how I want it though the home assitant web interface (or you could do it though the hue app) then I look up the state of the light in the homeassitant states tool and use the brightness, color etc in my automation.

I’m actually curious about this as well.

I want to be able to read what RGB (or Hex or any other) values specific Hue lights are set to via

Has anyone been able to figure this out?

It’s really easy to get Hue light RGB values using Node Red. You can also see them in Home Assistant on the developer page.

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