Hue bulb reset

Hopefully a simple one,
I have a couple of Philips hue bulbs connected via Conbee ii / deCONZ. I want to shift them over to Zigbee2MQTT (both running on the same HA). I read that Philips bulbs need a dimmer to reset, so a bit nervous to try.

Are there any tips to migrate them easily without a hue dimmer?

did you find an answer ?

If your hue firmware is up to date resetting the bulb from the hue app should now end up with a “factory reset” that will get it to join your new network… I’ve also been able to reset one with a different Zigbee remote that utilized touchlink… if you have Z2M installed you can try the touchlink option in there but I don’t know the specifics of using that in Z2M

There are some tips about both dimmer switch as hue-theif in ZHA docs here:

Regardless be sure to upgrade firmware on both Zigbee Coordinator and the Philips Hue lightbulbs.

I solved this by resetting Philips Hue using Alexa device. Steps:

  1. Open Alexa App
  2. Click on Devices > + sign > Add Device > Light > Philips Hue > ? sign
  3. Click on “Reset Phiips Hue Light” after reading the instructions.
  4. Once the reset happens, turn off the bulb immediately so that it does not get found by Alexa again. Once discovery is finished, turn on the bulb and ask HA to add new devices.
    Hope this helps someone.
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