HUE Dimmer (Philips RWL021 ) should control other devices

my Philips RWL021 Hue dimmer is supposed to control other devices (I use CC2652P7 from cod.m as a ZigBee coordinator). I come from FHEM automation and am now impressed by the simplicity of Home Assistant.

Under FHEM I was able to evaluate all 4 buttons on the dimmer as well as long presses.

I simply tried automations. Of course I can also select the HUE dimmer as a device, but the automation just doesn’t work.

The whole thing also affects blueprints if I then specify the HUE device as a trigger for roller shutters, for example.

The HUE dimmer obviously doesn’t work so easily with non-lamps…

Oh, and I’m using RWL021 and RWL022. Thanks for the help!

Can anyone help me with this?

According to the documentation, this only works with Cover, Light and Media Player (Hooks | Awesome HA Blueprints).

I was able to use the Hue dimmer as a switch with other SmartHomeAutomations without any problems.

I would be happy if someone could help me to find out whether I can also link the HUE dimmer to other devices, such as switches or roller shutters (in my case, Homematic roller shutters). I have tried various blueprints. Unfortunately, without success.

Thank you.

There should be no problem using this device to control any other device in HA. Just create an automation for it (skip the blueprints). If you are having trouble creating an automation for this please show what you have tried (paste the yaml for the automation)

Thank you very much,
here is the yaml. The “On” button should simply raise a roller shutter (Homematic). Device IDs are used in the yaml… Not the correct names. Maybe that’s a problem.

I worked with the German solution Fhem for a long time… I’m still getting to grips with HA.

Thank you.

alias: Rolladensteuerung:Küchentür_hoch
description: ""
 - device_id: 856731cd5d9ed493dbb994795a70f422
   domain: zha
   type: remote_button_short_press
   subtype: turn_on
   trigger: device
conditions: []
 - action: cover.stop_cover
   metadata: {}
   data: {}
     device_id: 7ea18121cdc1b916e8d434ae5276c4e3
 - action: cover.open_cover
       - 7ea18121cdc1b916e8d434ae5276c4e3
   data: {}
mode: single

I think there is a difference in how HAT processes the events. Directly on the device, the incoming buttons are displayed like this: “Kitchen_HUE (Philips RWL021) On event was fired”.

As you know, the RWL021 has 4 buttons: on, dim+, dim- and off.
Each button has 4 modes: on_press, on_press_release, on_hold and on_hold_release.
Start the automation by ‘decoding’ the buttons that are pressed, so that you can use them later to control your lights, switches, screens, etc.
See the example below.

alias: Livingroom-RC
id: "livingroom_rc"
description: ""
mode: restart  # If called again while still running, start over.

  - platform: mqtt
    topic: zigbee2mqtt/Livingroom-RC/action

condition: "{{ trigger.payload in ['on_press_release', 'on_hold', 'up_press', 'up_hold', 'down_press', 'down_hold', 'off_press_release', 'off_hold'] }}"

  - variables:
      cmd: "{{ trigger.payload }}"

  - choose:
  # Short press "on" -> Turn lights on livingroom
      - conditions:
          - "{{ cmd == 'on_press_release' }}"
          - action: light.turn_on
              entity_id: light.livingroom

  # Short press "off" -> Turn lights off livingroom
      - conditions:
          - "{{ cmd == 'off_press_release' }}"
          - action: light.turn_off
              entity_id: light.livingroom

  # Long press "on" -> Open cover
      - conditions:
          - "{{ cmd == 'on_hold' }}"
          - action: cover.open_cover
              entity_id: cover.<cover_name>

  # Long press "off" -> Stop cover
      - conditions:
          - "{{ cmd == 'off_hold' }}"
          - action: cover.stop_cover
              entity_id: cover.<cover_name>