Hue Dimmer switch to control AirPlay volume?

Hi all :blush:

I would liiie to configure the + and - buttons on a Hue Dimmer switch to change the volume of an AirPlay speaker.

Unfortunately, whilst it seems all the controls are there, there’s something about the AirPlay speaker that doesn’t allow its volume to be changed by HA — only from the audio source, eg. an iPhone.

These are the AirPlay controls I get on my phone, which work just fine:

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Here’s the Hue Dimmer configuration page in HA showing the possibility to assign actions to the 4 buttons:

And here’s the HA config page for the AirPlay speaker (in my kitchen in this example):

Frustratingly, that volume slider doesn’t do anything! :pensive: The functionality is evidently there but there’s something wrong with the implementation that means the volume slider / +/- buttons don’t do anything.

In HomeKit, the volume slider works:

… but for automations, you only get the option to change the volume to a preset level, not increase or decrease it …

Does anyone know what might be wrong here that would prevent HA from adjusting the AirPlay volume remotely?

Many thanks!

David :pray:

PS. Sorry for all the posts, I’m too ‘new’ a user to be allowed to add several images in one post! :upside_down_face:

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