Hue Dimmer Switches - Support


I appreciate your help as always. Here’s my problem.

I’ve upset the kids and missus and I need to resolve my issue to get out of the doghouse.

I cannot seem to get the Philips Hue Dimmer switches to DIM since using the Conbee stick and going via Phoscon.

The options via Phoscon are:




Instead, I want to be able to reduce the brightness to say 35% (or any custom percentage) at bedtime when we read stories to our children, but I cannot seem to do this. The only option now is to use Google Home, which defeats the object of having dimmer switches.

It’s as if I cannot override Conbee to say dim the light rather than dim and off (so the light will dim and then power off)

Can you assist?

Folks - I have been directed here

So I will take a look at this tonight

That won’t work for you, you are using deconz not ZHA to integrate ZigBee devices into Home Assistant.

Try this instead:

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Jeebus, thank you Burningstone. I will take a look

Do I have to delete the key assignment already set up in Phoscon?

Not sure if you can have both at the same time.

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All sorted and this Blueprint has done the job. Man I appreciate your help.

I love this community!