Hue Hub v ZHA - Hue Lights

I have a large number of hue lights which were originally controlled in HA via the Hue hub.

However, when a group of lights were turned on/off it was hit and miss whether they would all activate in sync, something that was hugely annoying.

I read at the time that this could be solved by taking the bulbs off the Hue hub and adding them via ZHA. Great, it worked, and it has done ever since (3 yrs+).

But, I miss things like Hue Scenes and I was wondering, if anyone knows if this group sync issue has been rectified in the Hue Hub since?

If it has been fixed, I would likely migrate them back to the hub instead.

I recently moved all of mine from the hue bridge to directly connected to HA via ZHA because of the exact situation you described so based on my experience I wouldn’t switch back

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