Hue.hue_activate_scene and third party scenes don't work anymore

Has anyone created Hue scenes with third party apps and called them successfully in HA? They used to work fine, but seem to be broken now. I saw there was a bur report on the hue_activate_scene service ( but it seems to be resolved now. For Hue scenes installed on the Hue bridge by the Philips Hue app, calling scenes works fine. However any third party scene seems to not work at all.

The HA log spits out “Unable to find scene (xxxxx)”, though it’s clearly on the bridge. If I either curl get the Hue api manually or use the script, I can see it. This user def 5014 scene is unable to be found, though the standard “Concentrate” scene works fine. Here’s the JSON:

  "name":"User Def 5014",




I realize the Concentrate scene is restricted to a few lights and the “User Def 5014” uses a ton, but even if I restrict it to one light it still doesn’t work. Any idea what’s going on? The third party apps often have far better scene creation tools, which is why I rely on them instead of the first party app which is fairly limited.

The other option is to create the scene, then use scenegen to “save” it as a HA-native scene. I guess that works, but seems like a clunky workaround, and doesn’t make it as easy to update the scene after the fact.

No idea, but the first thing that jumped out to me for troubleshooting is that the one that isn’t working for you has spaces in it. Does it work if you remove the spaces?


  • First party scenes that have spaces work fine
  • I can make third party scenes without spaces and they still don’t work
  • Like any string in JSON, they’re all quoted anyway (spaces or not) in HA.